November 29, 2017

Postpartum must-haves for the new mom

postpartum must haves for the new mom
Being a new mom is overwhelming! Be it your first, second or third baby the experience is different everytime. With your second you tend to think you know it all however our bodies react differently. With my first I had a c-section and my second a VBAC, therefore the recovery process was completely different and in some ways easier. One topic I didn't find too much info was hemorrhoid's. I know right? Nobody wants to talk about it. Didn't have it with my first but my second...oh gawd! 
So, one product I found that helped (in conjunction with over the counter medications like Anusol) was Earth Mama Angel Baby Mama Bottom Balm: this product is an all natural balm which contains peppermint oil. CAUTION: although you can use this on your lady parts after birth I only used it on my back side AND just a little. If you put too much you'll feel like you rubbed VICKS vapour rub down there and not in a good way. Too much info...maybe, but I'm trying to help you ladies out. And somebody has to write about this!

Honest Company Organic All-Purpose Balm: recently had a name change my tube still states nipple balm. Love this stuff! First time moms that are trying to breast feed; your nipples will crack and become dry (eventually it gets better). This balm soothes your nipples (amazing as a lipbalm) and baby won't reject your nipples because scent free! I tried other balms that had a slight scent and my baby rejected the boob. Also, I had a lot of pain this time around from breastfeeding so I was prescribed the All Purpose Nipple Ointment which is only available at a compounding pharmacy. These two products were a godsend. I would alternate the two. 

Nursing Pads: I've tried other brands and the Lansinoh Nursing Pads are my favourite. Soft, comfortable and holds a lot of leakage. Other brands were itchy and not comfortable.

Makeup Remover Wipes: I guess as a mom you can use baby wipes but I love my Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes, removes left over traces of makeup and really who has time for anything else.

Natural deodorant: odd thing happens when you have kids. You try to go all natural and green! You begin to read labels and ingredients. Finding a natural deodorant that works is a lot of trial and error. And, I stumbled upon Shmidt's Natural Deodorant in scent Bergamot and Lime. Really nice fantastic natural deodorant. Smells fresh and works!

Vitamins: the biggest mistake new moms do is stop taking their prenatal vitamins. Continue with prenatal vitamins and this also aids with prevention of post-natal hair loss. I recently picked up the Prenatal Ease Nursing Vitamins at the Baby Time Show. These contain iodine which helps with my thyroid function. 

*take note that these products are products that work for me and not to be substituted as medical advice*

Which postpartum products did you love or recommend?

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