June 26, 2012

Breaking-up with High-Street fashion! {Shopping}

Confession time! We, meaning women, all do it...SHOP! However, clothing that was dispensable in our teens and twenties just doesn't cut it anymore. Atleast, for someone my age...hold on let me explain.
At 35 years old I am not old. However my body is not the same as a twenty year old either. And this my friends is where the challenge of shopping occurs.  High-street fashion; inspired clothing from designer runways and manufactured to the general public at affordable prices is manufactured to last a couple of seasons at most, depending how you take care of your clothing. Recently, I realized that these stores just aren't working for me anymore. And thus I am breaking up with you!
TopShop dress
doesn't look too bad but several factors that contributed to a no-buy:
material, fit, and length
Stores such as:

  • H&M
  • Top Shop
  • Primark
  • Forever 21

For several reasons; fit, cut, and quality.
Typically one doesn't shop at the above for quality as these stores are designed to cater to the fashion conscious at affordable prices. However, in the past I was able to find decent pieces that worked into my wardrobe and will continue to shop for the basics. Basics like; accessories, jewelry, t-shirts, tops in general work. No more; dresses, pants, skirts, and jackets.
Stores that I can still shop at;

  • Zara
  • Jacob (Canadian chain)
  • Cassis (which recently closed, why? Loved that place)
  • Club Monaco
  • Joe Fresh (a hit & miss)

Although I am breaking up with the majority of high-street fashion stores I will continue to visit for "booty-call" because sometimes a girl just needs a little something dispensable.
Do you buy high-street?


  1. I can't break up with the high street - I love it too much! H&M is my favorite store (although I try not to buy thin cotton t-shirts from there anymore - they literally dissolve in the wash!).

    When it comes to bags - I like to invest - as they show signs of wear easily (loose threads etc)...but for clothes, I'm still all about the cheap and chic :-)

  2. Yes, I'm all for investing in purses and shoes:)

  3. I am with you, darling!


  4. I do buy high-street, mainly because it is so affordable and fits nicely within my budget. I do agree that quality can be an issue though. I love to shop for jewelry and trendy pieces at places like F21 and H&M. For classic items like coats, jeans, and bags, I tend to splurge a bit more!


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