April 18, 2011

battle of the hair treatments {LUSH}

Dry Divas "Tickle Me Peach" shower cap
Cute shower cap from shopruche.com

With Winter finally behind us (not entirely true as its freezing in Toronto as I write this) its time to take this hair out of its ponytail rut. Which means, condition condition condition! Yes, my hair needs moisture and on the battle field I decided to test out two of LUSH's best selling hair treatments, H'Suan Wen Hua and Jasmin and Henna Fluff-Eaze. Honesty is my policy and not a fan of the smell of either of these hair treatments. Nonetheless, if condition is my battle plan I'll get over the fragrance factor. Use treatment once a week.
LUSH H'Suan Wen Hua:
Of the two treatments this one was my fave! The consistency of the treatment reminds me of my teen years when I use to add mayonnaise to my hair. The good for your hair ingredients; free-range eggs (ah the mayo connection), organic bananas, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, balsamic vinegar, and lots more. Directions; apply generously to dry hair & leave on for 20 minutes. The beauty parler method; apply to ends of dry hair, about two heaping tablespoons, put on a shower cap & either blog or go on facebook. Wait....wait...leave on for about an hour or more for really dry processed hair. Wash & repeat! Leaves hair soft and smooth. Really deep conditioning, so only those with really dry hair should use this. Prefer the smell of this treatment vs the next review.
Jasmin and Henna Fluff-Eaze:
Not a fan of the smell as this one lingers even after you wash it. However, this actually works well as a conditioner after shampoo so if your a fan of the scent & have dry hair this will make a great conditioner. The goodie ingredients; olive oil, wheatgerm oil, jojoba oil, coconut butter, henna, and lots more. Good for colour treated hair, especially highlights. This treatment leaves your hair soft and shiny. As for directions; same as above. LUSH recommends you use alot of product but generous amounts on dry ends is sufficient.

LUSH offers other hair treatments, one in particular that I want to try is the Marilyn. Read good reviews online and although it states for blonde hair a few brunettes beauty bloggers rave about it.
What's your go-to hair treatment for dry hair?
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