November 30, 2010

Mila Kunis: She's got Style

One actress that has kept quiet on the Hollywood paparazzi radar is Mila Kunis and that's what I love about panty-less shots, no D.U.I's, and who didn't enjoy watching her in That 70's Show? Mila stars in the upcoming movie Black Swan, which will be officially released this Friday December 3rd, also starring Natalie Portman (another gorgeous actress), can't wait to watch this movie. She also graces the cover of NYLON Magazine's December/January Issue of which now I'm certain I want bangs...must get an appointment with Eva Therese, the only hairdresser I know that will be able to get my bangs just right.
Here's a sneak peak of NYLON Mag's interview with Mila;
On Black Swan: “It was the most intense training I’ve ever had in my life, and probably will have for anything. I lost 20 pounds, so I went down to 95 pounds. I weigh 117 usually, like today. I looked like Gollum [from The Lord of the Rings].”
On shooting Friends with Benefits with Justin Timberlake: “I’ve never seen people in my life with so little respect [as the paparazzi]… when we were filming on the street in New York it was pure and utter insanity. "
On her early acting days: “It was just play-pretend. Trust me, I did not have a clue what I was doing. It wasn't a job for me, I didn't think anything other than a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a fireman, or a policeman was a legitimate job because when you're little those are the things you see. It wasn't until I was 20 that I thought I could actually make it a career."

Top by Armani Exchange
Jacket by Elizabeth and James
Shorts by Ksub

Although, I have a feeling they might be clip-on bangs. Anyone ever try clip-on bangs? 
(Source:, Photo Credit: NYLON Magazine / Melodie McDaniel)
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