July 14, 2009

your online Powder Room {a little nip/tuck}

Once in a while a girl just needs a little something something...in that case it was my blog header & blog button. Voila! What do you think? You like?
After working with the lovely Deanna from domestic-chicky I think it was worth it! Although I loved the old header it was a "borrowed" image from a store in Japan, littleberry.jp and I wanted something that was all mine. Deanna was able to capture the girly in me & incoporate some of the old element designs that I loved into the new me! With the new domain name beautyparler.ca it now has a new image to go with it.

If your interested in getting a mini-makeover or perhaps the whole package Deanna offers very reasonable rates & is a doll to work with, I can be a bit picky:)
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