With the Holidays fast approaching its the best time of year for.....buying makeup brush sets & makeup palettes. No not for your friends and family (unless you don't want them using your own) but its a great time of year to stock up on brushes and makeup for yourself. Not only do you get a better bang for your buck but mini size versions of some of your favourite items. Alright, don't forget to grab your favourites for gifts too! Any beauty junkie would love these! But don't wait too long because brushes and palettes sell out quick.
On the topic of makeup brushes, above is a sad pick of my stash and the MAC basic brush set which is a great starter kit(hint!hint!). However, brushes can get pricey and you can find equally good quality brushes at your local art/craft store. Check out the youtube.com video by member enKore I posted below for some great suggestions and advice.
(photocredit: maccosmetics.com)
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