As they say across the pond & down in South America, Coca-Cola Light. I actually like the word "light" as opposed to "diet" just has a better ring, don't you think? Diet...well sounds so..."I'm on a Diet everyone, I watch what I drink" but light sounds airy, no care in the world. OK, so I'm just writing about Coke but hey Coke-Cola marketing departments have had countless meetings & research in determining the right wording for their products & I'm sure there's findings in which determine in North America "diet" is the way to go. Aside from the wording lets move on to fashion designers. What does Coke & fashion have in common? Alot. Back in July I blogged about stylist Patricia Field designing limited edition Diet Coke bottles. The latest limited edition bottles are designed by Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli & only available in Italy. He has designed three different designs in his signature animal prints & are to reflect how a dress would look on a bottle. Next time your in Italy but only until December or until supplies last, don't forget to pick up your "Coca-Cola Light". Cheers!
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