Ever wonder what Carrie Bradshaw was like before Sex in the City? Where and how exactly did her fashion style evolve from? Or how about her first boyfriend? The character Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City has become so iconic that followers of both the books and original series want to know more about this character and how she has evolved. Who has never dreamt of living in New York City and living the life of either Carrie or one of the other Sex in the City characters, I know I have. I don't identify myself with Carrie or insinuate I resemble her, but I do find varies traits in all four characters that I can identify with. And hasn't anyone of us lived vicariously through one of the four; Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda. The author of Sex in the City, Candace Bushnell, has also wondered about Carrie's earlier years. Candace has signed with HarperCollins to write two young-adult books titled The Carrie Diaries.
" I love the idea of going back to that time and going into the head of a teenage girl who-and I don't want this to come out the wrong way-who in a way becomes an icon, who in the future becomes that really independent character."(Elle (US ed), Oct'08 no.278, pg.412)
The first of the two Carrie Diaries will cover Carrie's senior year in Highschool and the second will cover her first year in New York City. Should be an interesting read, ok, so I'm not in my late teens or early twenties (cough...in my early thirties) but I'll be sure to check out the two books.
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