There goes Calvin again with those provocative ads! Why the surprise, Calvin Klein ads & commercials have always caused a stir within North America therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise when the commericial for the fragrance Secret Obsession was banned from airing on U.S networks.
In the commericial version actress Eva Mendes is shown drapped in a bed sheet that slids off & shows a bit of nipple. Here's the link (I was going to directly post it but fear that it might be removed):
Click here:
Calvin Klein's print and media campaigns have attracted atention as early as the 1980's with models such as Brooke Shields. On the left is an Obsession fragrance ad campaign from the 1990's featuring Kate Moss.
What are your thoughts? Share them in the comment section.
(Copyright 2008 Coty Prestige / Calvin Klein Fragrances / Coty Prestige)
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