Cover Girl LashExact
Product claim: "Get no clump, no glob, beautifully-defined lashes. The LashExact brush is a patented technology with bristles that are aligned and clean, so you get the Exact look you want."
Shade: Very Black
One of the best! Defines my lashes & make them look full. Doesn't flake or smudge.
Repurchase: YES
Rating (out of 5):

Maybelline Define-a-Lash
Product claim:
"• Zero-clump mascara creates stunning length and clean definition
• Flexible brush is shaped to the lash to elongate and define lashes, one by one
• Built-in wiper contours brush to remove excess formula, ensuring clean deposit on lashes
• Smooth and lightweight formula feels comfortable on lashes
• No smudging, smearing or flaking"
Shade: Very Black
This is a good mascara. Does define & adds fullness (although it is meant for lengthening which it does). The only thing I'm not liking is that the brush is flexible thus at first was awkward, I prefer a stiff brush because I find it easier to apply.
Repurchase: Maybe (if its on sale)
Rating (out of 5):

Maybelline Great Lash
Product claim:
"• Conditions as it thickens lashes
• Lash-doubling formula glides on smoothly to build great-looking lashes
• Lash-building brush makes it easy to get a full lash look without clumps"
Shade: blackest black
The "famous" great lash that always rates the best in all the beauty magazines. OK I'm not sure where these magazines are getting their reviews but I'm sure its not from "real"reviewers. This mascara is perfect if you want to look like a football player in the NFL. It smudges and flakes. And I will admit when I was younger this was the only mascara I would buy because I truely believed it was the best, until I realized there were better ones out there. However, I will add that the shade blackest black is the best mascara shade I have ever worn. So a bonus point there!
Repurcase: No (unless they change the formula)
Rating (out of 5):

CoverGirl LashBlast
Product claim: "Get a blast of lush, volumized lashes! LashBlast's patented volume-boosting formula and patent-pending brush are designed to max-out each and every lash, leaving you with the ultimate big lash look."
Shade: Very Black
This mascara is one of the best! Gives me the fullness & thickness I want. The fat wand feels awkward at first but you get used to it. And the orange packaging makes it easy to dig out of your make-up bag.
Repurchase: yes
Rating (out of 5):

*For reference: for shade selection most of these mascaras do have other shades available however I love black so its the only shade I buy.
Thanks for this review! I agree with you on Cover Girl's Lash Exact and Maybelline's Great Lash. I love CG's Lash Exact and do not like Maybelline's Great Lash.
ReplyDeleteOMg! I felt like the only female who doesn't love Great Lash..I hate this stuff..it always leaves me with racoon eyes
ReplyDeleteIt really bothers me when I see Maybelline Great Lash always win best mascara in magazines. What the heck is up with that? NOBODY likes that stuff. It just goes to show how you can't trust magazines ever.We Beauty Bloggers are the only ones who give true and unbiased reviews! I agree with all of your picks!