I was reading the June'08 issue of Chatelaine magazine when a picture of a lipstick in the health section caught my eye. A lipstick in the health section? What health benefits can we get from a lipstick. Upon further inspection and a bit of reading I realized this was not your ordinary lipstick. I imagine this would be an item that Samantha Jones from Sex in the City would carry in her purse. Perhaps the perfect bridal shower gag gift or even an item in a bridesmaid loot bag. Actually, any female party loot bag. The lipstick in question is actually a vibrator, "Incognito Lipstick Vibe" created by Grrl Toyz, the female line of "love toys" by the company Topco Sales. There are two shades available, Magenta and Hot Pink. However, they are not actual lipsticks they are just good replicas. Retails for about $35.00. So, cell phones are not the only item that will be vibrating in your purse these days....batteries not included!
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